Special Programs
Boling ISD Special Programs
Boling ISD has a number of special programs to assist students who have special needs:
Accelerated Instruction, Title I, Part A: School Wide |
This federal program is used at Newgulf Elementary, Iago Junior High, and Boling High Schools. Its purpose is to help disadvantaged or children in at-risk situations meet high standards. |
Title II, Part A: Teacher & Principal Training & Recruitment | This federal program provides supplemental financial assistance to ensure that teachers and principals have access to sustained and high-quality professional staff development that will have a positive and lasting impact on the teacher’s performance in the classroom. |
Title IV, Part A: Safe and Drug Free School and Communities Program | This federal program is to provide funds for school districts to develop and carry out a comprehensive drug and violence prevention program which must be designed for all students and employees through the coordinated efforts of school, families and the community. Boling ISD is in a cooperativewith Region III ESC for this program. |
Title V, Part A: Innovative Programs | This federal program is to provide support for library services, instructional and media materials and meet to the special needs of at-risk and high cost students. Boling ISD spends most of this money on library materials and computer instructional material. |
Title III, Language Instructions for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students: English as a Second Language (ESL) | ESL is a state required program. The state policy is that every student in the state who has a home language other than English and who is identified as limited English proficient shall be provided a full opportunity to participate in an English as a Second Language Program. Boling ISD is in a cooperative with Region III ESC for the Title III program. Teachers receive in-service to help them with their students. |
Career and Technology Education (CATE) | CATE was formally known as Vocational Education. This is a voluntary program at Boling ISD that is supported with state reimbursement and local fund sources. Boling ISD is in a cooperative with Region III ESC for some federal money which comes from the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act. |
State Compensatory Education | State Compensatory Education is a state program designed to enhance and improve the regular program for students in at-risk situations. The purpose is to increase the academic achievement and reduce the dropout rate of identified students in at-risk situations. |
Gifted/Talented (G/T) |
Texas offers advanced level services for students identified as gifted/talented. These services are mandated for students in grades Kindergarten-12. Gifted and Talented Handbook:
Migrant Education Program | This is a federal program with the basic understanding that the local education agency is responsible for using migrant education program funds as a last-resort supplement of other federal, state and local funds in order to improve educational opportunities for migrant students and, thus, enable them to meet the state’s challenging content and performance standards which all children are expected to meet. Boling ISD works with the Region III ESC in identifying migrant students. |
Special Education |
Students who qualify with learning disabilities are funded by this federal program.
English Notice of Procedural Safeguards - http://framework.esc18.net/Documents/Pro_Safeguards_ENG.pdf Spanish - http://framework.esc18.net/Documents/Pro_Safeguards_SPAN.pdf
English Guide to the ARD Process - http://framework.esc18.net/Documents/ARD_Guide_ENG.pdf Spanish - http://framework.esc18.net/Documents/ARD_Guide_SPAN.pdf |
Dyslexia |
Dyslexia is a state program for students with a constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write or spell despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and socio-cultural opportunity.